Thursday, October 7, 2010

So corny

In general I don't have patience for lines or crowds, but when it comes to farmers' markets I seek them out.  What sold me on this was a huge line one Sunday in front of a strawberry vendor.  At the time there were tons of strawberries at the market, but this was the only one with a line.  I asked a guy who was waiting if these particular strawberries were so much better than all the others, and everyone in line gave me an emphatic "yes."  So I walked around a little, waiting for the line to thin out some, and went back for a basket.  Man, were they right... those strawberries were like candy.  I don't use that "tastes like candy" line to describe much of anything (well, except candy, but that's obvious) because my mom used to try to get my sister and me to eat peas (which we hated) when we were kids using that old "tastes just like candy" line.  I promptly told all the kids at school to skip our house on Halloween.  But these strawberries DID taste like candy... sweet, delicious, juicy, healthy candy.

So now I look for the lines at the farmers' markets - let the crowd do the heavy lifting, as it were.  Just show me the good stuff.  And last week it was corn, so I grabbed a few ears of sweet corn from the stall with the longest line.  Now what?  Corn Chowder?  Delicious, but it's still too warm in Marin for soup.  Grilled Corn on the Cob with Lime Butter?  Certainly is barbeque weather, but too easy.  Instead I decided to challenge myself....polenta.  I say "challenge myself" because polenta and I have never really been friends.  I made a couple attempts, but was unimpressed. Now before you hit the "back" button, hang on a second...all that polenta needed was a slight makeover, and now we're finally friends.

Start with roasting pasilla peppers (or any other pepper you like - jalapeno next time!) and browning the corn with some shallot and garlic.  Instead of water, cook the polenta in milk and veg stock and finish with a little butter and cheese.....ooooh creamy goodness.  I ate some with lunch and put the rest into ramekins to have during the week.  Whenever I'm pressed for time or too tired to cook, I can just pop one in the toaster oven.  I made a mushroom sauce to go with it, but salsa or a marinara are good on top, too.  A little spinach salad on the side and you're all set.  So give polenta a chance.....she's actually very nice once you get to know her.

Pasilla and Corn Polenta
Servings: 4 entrées, or 8 side dishes

2 pasilla peppers
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1 cup fresh or frozen corn kernels
1 Tablespoon chopped shallot
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 cup milk
2 cups vegetable stock
1 cup water
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup polenta
1 Tablespoon butter
½ cup grated gruyere cheese
Salt and pepper (cayenne if you like a little heat) to taste

Char all sides of the peppers, turning them over an open flame on the stove or under the broiler.
Once completely blackened, put the peppers in a large bowl and cover with a plate. 
When they are cool enough to handle, peel the skin off and remove seeds and membrane.  Chop and set aside.
Remove kernels from corn cob, if using fresh, or thaw frozen corn and place in a saucepan over medium heat with coconut oil, shallot and garlic.  Saute for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan heat the milk, stock and water.  Add peppers, corn mixture and 1t salt.  Increase heat and bring to a boil.
Add polenta, reduce heat and simmer for 25 minutes.  Stir in butter and cheese, then season to taste with salt and pepper.
Serve immediately or put into ramekins, cover and refrigerate.

1 comment:

  1. Each one better than the last! Nice work. I didn't realize you had made the polenta from acutal CORN.
