Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Justify dessert!

My friend Sue recently posed the question, "does Chardonnay count as a food group?" to which I replied "it's made from grapes, so yes.  And enjoy your two servings."  I'm a master at justification.... so let's talk dessert.

You won't find many dessert recipes posted here, for these reasons:
1) I prefer appetizers to dessert.
2) Baking generally involves exact measurements, precision and science.  Count me out. On all levels.
3) I don't really have a sweet tooth.  My cravings come in the form of a block of parmegiano-reggiano or gouda.
3) I can usually calm the rare sweet tooth craving (somewhere around day 26) with a spoonful of organic peanut butter with a squirt of chocolate syrup on top.  Seriously, try it.

But the other day I was looking at these sad little pears and apples still sitting in my fruit bowl after a week, and I felt the need to save them.  I think that when we throw produce away we have robbed it of it's purpose, and it leaves this life unfulfilled.  No, I don't really think that; I just hate to throw away food that I spent good money on.

So I made an easy, cute dessert with one quick trip through the express lane and a few staples from the pantry....and it was delicious!!  AND the best part is......since it's predominantly fruit, I don't think of it as dessert...just your way to getting two servings a day (like the chardonnay).  Don't eat the whole batch, though.

First I took a roll of prepared pie crust (remember - science, measuring, precision, no thanks) and with my 3" circle cutter (you can use a glass or cup), I cut out about 10-12 circles.  Poke them with a fork to keep them from puffing up, and bake them for 11 minutes or so, until they are lightly browned.  Remove them from the oven and let cool.

Peel, core and dice 2 apples and 2 pears (I'm not picky on varieties. I like them all, but I used fuji and bosc this time).  Melt 1 tablespoon butter in a skillet and add fruit.  Saute for about 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Add 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg (buy whole nutmeg and get a microplane to zest it yourself - such a better flavor than the pre-ground spice!), 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup, a pinch of salt and 1/3 cup dried cranberries.  Stir to combine and continue cooking a few more minutes.  I like the fruit to be slightly soft but with a little bite to it.  When cooked to your taste, remove from heat and cool slightly.
While that's cooling, mix up a little whipped cream.  Don't buy the canned stuff; use the real thing.  You can sweeten it yourself using whatever you'd like in whatever quantity you want: tuvia, stevia, powdered sugar, regular sugar....

Now this is where it gets really complicated...spread a little whipped cream on each of the pastry circles and top it with the fruit. Yep, that's it; you're done.  Easy as pie...oh wait, actually it's way easier than pie! And did I mention cute; I love cute food....

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